About Us
Waterfront Footprint Orthotic Lab
“Since feet are the major weight-bearing part of the body, foot pain is common. The foot contains 26 bones and many small structures which support and balance the weight of the entire body….” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthotics

Randy J Myles is the owner and master technician of Waterfront FootPrint – Orthotic Lab. After numerous years as a cobbler, Randy’s analytical skills led him to the field of Orthotics. His artistic background in wood sculpting combined with his podiatry skills soon developed into his own special technique. In studying the human gait, along with courses in posture and balance, he began to create custom made supports for his client’s shoes. Randy has a Certified Pedorthist on site for gait analysis who can accurately recommend orthotics according to your present needs.

Randy makes the soft cork, all leather and synthetic material orthotics as well as the traditional hard plastic. These have “proven” results, in comfort levels previously unknown. His thankful clients realize the natural GAIT changes and remedial effects of his proprietary methodology.

Randy guarantees a perfect fit and will work with you to ensure full comfort as long as it takes. This personalized service provides real value for each customer.
Watch Our Video
This video provides an example of Randy’s work.